6/17 終於修復完畢啦~![](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://s.pixfs.net/f.pixnet.net/images/emotions/027.gif)
修復完之後期限延長到7/17 (之前是剛升級完就被攻擊,所以是延長一個月)
Payout 的部份也提高囉 (因為我有固定在領款咩~) ^___^ 繼續點擊吧~
(1) 總投入 : $ 70 (50+20) (2) 帳戶餘額 : $ 63.548 (3) 已提領 : $33.051
實際已領出百分比 : 47.22%
2012/6/4 統計
(1) 總投入 : $ 50 (2) 帳戶餘額 : $ 57.844
實際已領出百分比 : 33.73%
請款中: 16.187 (6/4 請款)
依然是先將可cashout金額先請款 ($16.187) 再升級Copper ($20)
(1) 選擇 PP付款---
(2) 選擇 Copper 等級 以 $20 升級---
(3) Copper等級會贈送2000點廣告點數---
(4) 點PP按紐 進入登入畫面---
(5) 進入付款頁面, 會先以PP餘額付款, 不足的會自動以所設定之信用卡付款 (信用卡部份這邊會
先轉換台幣顯示) 此次升級的20USD先使用原有餘額10.30USD後 ,再以信用卡刷卡299NT,
都確認無誤後按下 "立即付款"~~~
(6) 付款完成畫面, 選擇返回 BI ---
(7) 返回 BI 的畫面---
(8) 這時再登入BI ,到會員區即可看到升級的等級及到期日, 上方廣告點數也增加了2000點了~
很快的, 在當天晚上就收到請款的金額了!! 以下是BI 發出的信件通知及內文 :
登入PP帳戶看一下 ,發現有多給我0.003元呢~ (請款16.187, 入帳16.19)
雖然很少的樣子, 但是別忘了這是多給的哦! 這樣的感覺還不錯^^
另外...錢一領到之後發現 BI 網站又進不去了
稍安勿躁喔~~~ 晚點看看是什麼情況發生再來更新 ![](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://s.pixfs.net/f.pixnet.net/images/emotions/regular_smile.gif)
不過其實也並不很擔心, 畢竟我不是投1.2千下去 @@
依照目前累積請款是33.051 (16.864+16.187) , 總投入是 70 (50+20)
目前已領回的比例是 47% 左右, 我想...就算當下掛了, 損失個37塊應該是可承受範圍內的^^
(團隊一直都有跟管理員保持互動跟連繫, 因此都能先得到第一手的消息! )
轉達這次雙B又受到攻擊的狀況,達到9.5 Gbps (peak 14.7 Gig) !所以先關閉伺服器,等待後續更新!敬請各位先淡定一下!!感恩~~~
Hi Eric,
buxify update..
as you know we are under ddos since the 11 of May..the attacks reached 9.5 Gbps (peak 14.7 Gig) inbound and we had to turn off the server.
I'll update you asap
(OS : 看來是伺服器被惡意塞爆了@@~ 只好等管理員先搶救了
6/7【雙B計畫及BM 第一手最新近況說明】
due to the kind and the strenght of the attack also the new hosting company refuses their services to us permanently..deciding to do not respect the agreement...
we are working on a new approach because until now we got only an escalation of costs and an escalation of the power of the attack..we should be ready to start with the new solution in a couple of days..following the current situation:
Buxjunction.com - Server terminated, needs to be transferred
Buxify-V2.com - Server terminated, needs to be transferred again
Buxify.com - Server terminated, needs to be transferred again
Bux-matrix.com - Server terminated, needs to be transferred again
6/9【 雙B計畫及第一手 最新近況說明】
We'll be back shortly
Please be patient, we will be back as soon
as possible. Come back here to check..
6/12【最新雙B及 Bux-Matrix最新訊息】
Buxjunction.com - 預計在星期三恢復服務!
buxify V2.com - 預計下星期一恢復。
BUX-matrix.com -預計在星期四恢復。
Quick update:
Buxjunction.com - Moved to a new server, it should be back fully online within Wednesday.
Buxify-V2.com - Moved to a new server, we decided to update the script it should be back fully online on next Monday.
Buxify.com - Moved to a new server, nothing to do more; it will be back the same day of buxify-v2.
Bux-matrix.com - Moved to a new server, it should be back within Thursday.
BuxifY 已正常運作嘍~